Privacy Policy

(pursuant to art. 13 of (EU) Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 “GENERAL REGULATION ON THE PROTECTION OF DATA”)

MINELLI S.p.A. with registered office in Frazione Ambriola – Via Provinciale, 4 – 24010 Costa Serina (BG), e-mail address, phone: 034555111, as data Controller (hereinafter “Controller”), pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”), would like to inform you that your personal data will be processed applying the following methods and for the following purposes.

In compliance with the aforementioned Regulation, processing will be based on principles of correctness, legality, transparency and need, protecting your confidentiality and your rights.

1. Processing Subject

The Controller processes personal identification data (for example name and surname, phone number, e-mail address) – hereinafter, “personal data” or “data” – communicated by you when completing a specific contact form in order to forward requests for information and / or offers through the website of the owner.

2. Processing purpose

The purpose of the treatment is to process and handle the requests for information and offers received through the website. In particular, your personal data will be processed:

a) without your specific consent, for the following Purposes:

• to process and execute requests for information and offers received by the website (article 6 letter b) of the GDPR);
• to fulfil pre-contractual, contractual, insurance and tax obligations resulting from relations in progress with you (article 6 letter b) of the GDPR);
• to fulfil obligations established by Law, by a regulation, by Community laws or by an order from the Authorities (article 6 letter c) of the GDPR);
• to exercise the rights and/or legitimate interests of the Controller (for example the right to defence before the law) (article 6 letter f) of the GDPR);

b) with your specific consent (article 6 letter a) of the GDPR), your data may also be processed for the following purpose:

• send you by e-mail technical and commercial communications on the new products and services offered by the Owner, except for your dissent.

The dissent referred to in letter B must be communicated to the address of the Data Controller by:
• a registered letter with return receipt to MINELLI S.p.A. – Frazione Ambriola – Via Provinciale, 4 – 24010 Costa Serina (BG); or
• a PEC email to;

3. Method of processing and storage

Your personal data is processed through the operations indicated in art. 4 paragraph 2 of the GDPR, specifically: collection. registration, organisation, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, inter-connection, blocking, communication, erasure and destruction of data. Your personal data is subjected to both paper and electronic and/or automatic processing, in compliance with the European Regulation. On this point, the data will be processed in full compliance with laws in force and the confidentiality obligations that all Controller personnel is obliged to comply with, using suitable tools to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data itself.

Data may also be processed by any third parties called on to perform specific assignments for the data Controller, after being appointed as external Processors.
The personal data will be managed and stored on servers located in the European Union or in Third Countries guaranteeing a “suitable” level of protection established by the Commission through a specific decision (article 25, paragraph 6, of the Directive 95/46/EC). The transfer to third party countries is also allowed in cases mentioned by article 26, paragraph 1, of the Directive 95/46 (consent of the data subject, need to transfer for contractual /pre-contractual purposes, pre-eminent public interest, etc.), and based on contractual instruments offering suitable guarantees (article 26, paragraph 2, of the Directive 95/46).

The Controller will process the personal data for the time needed to fulfil the above purposes and, in any case, for no longer than:
• 1 year from the contact request for information related to Controller supplies and services, if the contact request was not followed by a formal offer;
• 2 years from the offer being formalised for an estimate.
• 2 years from explicit and informed consent to send technical and commercial communications via e-mail about new products and services offered by the Owner

4. Rights of the data subject

As the data subject, you have the rights set forth in art. 15 GDPR and more specifically the rights to:
1. receive confirmation of whether your personal data is being held or not, even if not yet registered, and having them notified in an intelligible format;
2. receive indication: a) of where the personal data came from; b) of processing methods and purposes; c) of the logic applied if processed using electronic instruments; d) of the identification details of the controller and of processors; e) of the subjects and subject categories that personal can be communicated to or who can gain knowledge of them as processors or appointed to process;
3. obtain: a) the updating, rectification or, when desired, integration of data; b) erasure, transformation into an anonymous format or blocking of data processed in breach of the law, including data that do not need to be stored related to the purposes for which they were collected or then processed; c) certification that the
operations in letters a) and b) were notified, also for their content, to those to whom the data had been communicated or disclosed, unless that compliance is impossible or involves the use of means that are manifestly disproportionate to the right being protected;
4. object, in full or partially: a) for legitimate reasons to your data being processed, even if pertinent to the collection purpose; b) to the processing of your personal data to be sent advertising or direct selling materials or to carry out market surveys or commercial communications, using automated call systems without an operator by e-mail and/or traditional marketing methods by phone and/or paper post. Please note that the right of the data subject to object, set forth in point b) above, for direct marketing purposes using automated means extends to traditional ones and, however, with no prejudice to the possibility for the data subject to exercise his/her right even partially. Therefore, the data subject may decide to only receive communications in the traditional way or only automated communications or neither type of communication.
5. Where applicable, you also have the rights pursuant to arts. 16-22 GDPR (Right to rectification, right to be forgotten, right to restrict processing, right to data portability, right to object), and the right to present a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.

You may exercise those rights at any time by sending to the Data Controller:
• a registered letter with return receipt to MINELLI S.p.A. – Frazione Ambriola – Via Provinciale, 4 – 24010 Costa Serina (BG); or
• an e-mail by certified-mail (PEC) to the address;

You also have the right, if you discern a breach, to present a complaint to the control authority (Privacy Authority). For any complaints or notifications on how your data is processed we will do all in our power to respond to your worries. However, if you should so wish, you may forward your claims or notifications to the data protection authority, using the pertinent contact details: Data Protection Authority – E-mail: – Certified e-mail:

5. Data Protection Officer (RDP or DPO)

The Controller has not appointed a Processor and a Data Protection Officer (DPO).